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The restructure has followed the rigid rules previewed for the antiseismic adaptation for buildings to public use. In the stable has been constructed a series of carrying columns and crosspieces in reinforced concrete that constitute a kind of “cage” of support by iron and concrete that made it sure in a eventual earthquake.
The hotel is placed on three levels, with eight bedrooms with external terrace.
The will to maintain the simple and popular characteristics of the construction has induced to clean up the external walls from old plasters, and, following traditional technical, have been discovered entire walls that conserve the irregular weft of stones and bricks; the internal plans have been reconstructed using, like in the past, with wooden beams and tables; the stair that connects the first floor to the second floor is made of wood, like was used to make in all the houses of Friuli. They have been maintained some gashes of wall with stones also inside the hotel, plasters are irregular and rather moved, this confers a “soft” and ancient impact to the inside ambient; the finishing touch of windows and windowsills has been realized using natural materials like wood and old red and yellow bricks.
Particular attention has been revolted to the respect of environment: doors and windows are made of wood, some of them derive from the restoration of ancient doors. The search of quality and envinronment’s respect follow the aesthetics.

The eight bedrooms are located on three floors, they offer the TV service and a private terrace; the furnishing is diversified, it wants to increase a well-being and tranquillity sense, in the purpose to create a particular atmosphere.
Furnitures, of ethnic handicraft, are in solid wood and the topics of atmospheres are inspired to Friuli, Africa, India or to Europe: fragments of various cultures that reflect the spirit of the hotel and the passions of the management.
Julienne hotel, inserted in Friuli’s plain, transmits the pleasure to live in contact with nature, breathing healthy air and a sense of freedom, being situated far away from traffic, noises and a structured life.
The internal courtyard, comprised between the hotel and a old house, offers a protected space that permit the realization of parties, little concerts and various kinds of manifestations.



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